About 🤓
Alper Yazar
“Full Stack Electronics” Engineer
I got my BSc and MSc degrees from the same department, METU EEE, in 2012 and 2015, respectively. My master’s thesis was about statistical signal processing. In the past, I was working on FPGA accelerated cloud computing as PhD candidate. At the work, most of the time I work on FPGA/embedded related stuffs. I am also experienced in analog/digital circuit and PCB design.
I love spending my time on electronics and computers since I was 10. I like doing projects, reading blogs/projects/codes, watching videos and attending courses/webinars, publishing papers and doing other geeky things. I am a big fan of free and open source projects and initiatives 🐧. Besides, I like music and musical instruments 🎵.
✉️ Contact
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ayazar[@} a ! p ! ! y ! ! ar /.$ com
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- 🪦 Not Completed, PhD, Electrical and Electronics Engineering. Middle East
Technical University (METU), Ankara, Turkey.
- Area of Study: Heterogeneous Architectures and Cloud
- Thesis Topic: Reconfigurable and Composable Hardware Accelerators to Provide Quality of Service (QoS) in Cloud Computing
- Advisor: Prof. Ece Güran Schmidt
- Field: Computers
- CGPA: 3.75/4.00
- ℹ️ Began PhD studies in 2016, successfully passed the qualification exam, and progressed to the thesis stage before deciding to leave the program.
- 2015, MSc, Electrical and Electronics Engineering. Middle East Technical
University (METU), Ankara, Turkey.
- Area of Study: Statistical Signal Processing
- Thesis Topic: Application of F-test Method on Model Order Selection and Related Problems.
- Advisor: Prof. Çağatay Candan
- Field: Signal Processing
- CGPA: 3.64/4.00
- 2012, BSc, Electrical and Electronics Engineering. Middle East Technical
University (METU), Ankara, Turkey.
- Specialization Fields: Computers and Telecommunications
- CGPA: 3.93/4.00
Work Experience
- Present - 2012, Electronics Engineer / ASELSAN, Ankara Turkey. Most of the time I design embedded things (like bare metal programming, RTOS, embedded Linux) + FPGAs (mostly Xilinx products). Previously, also worked on board design (schematic and layout). Company web site
- 2021 - 2018, Project co-manager + Design Engineer / ACCLOUD Project. ACCLOUD was a research project on FPGA accelerated cloud computing. The work was supported by TUBITAK and ASELSAN. I was one of the two project managers and responsible for architecture design + FPGA implementation (operational at 40 Gbps line rate).
- 2011, Intern / ASELSAN, Ankara, Turkey. Company web site
- 2010, Intern / Bosch Rexroth, Bursa, Turkey. Company web site
- Yazar, A. (2021). Bir ısıl pil kontrol sistemi ve kontrol yöntemi. 2017/14873 PDF 🇹🇷
- Yazar, A. (2018). A Configurable Latch Circuit with Low Leakage Current and Instant Trigger Input. WO2018004496A1 TR201609051A2 PDF PDF (🇹🇷)
- Yazar, A. (2015). Application of F-test method on model order selectionand related problems (Master’s thesis, Middle East Technical University). Link PDF
- Tırlıoğlu, A., Demir, Ö. B., Yazar, A., & Schmidt, E. G. (2021, June). Hardware Accelerators for Cloud Computing: Features and Implementation. In 2021 29th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU) (pp. 1-4). IEEE. DOI: 10.1109/SIU53274.2021.9478015 PDF 🇹🇷
- Yazıcı, F., Yıldız, A. S., Yazar, A., & Schmidt, E. G. (2020, November). A Novel Scalable On-chip Switch Architecture with Quality of Service Support for Hardware Accelerated Cloud Data Centers. In 2020 IEEE 9th International Conference on Cloud Networking (CloudNet) (pp. 1-4). IEEE. DOI: 10.1109/CloudNet51028.2020.9335788 PDF
- Yazıcı, F., Yıldız, A. S., Yazar, A., & Schmidt, E. G. (2020, October). An On-chip Switch Architecture for Hardware Accelerated Cloud Computing Systems. In 2020 28th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU) (pp. 1-4). IEEE. DOI: 10.1109/SIU49456.2020.9302370 PDF 🇹🇷
- Erol, A., Yazar, A., & Schmidt, E. G. (2019, July). OpenStack Generalization for Hardware Accelerated Clouds. In 2019 28th International Conference on Computer Communication and Networks (ICCCN) (pp. 1-8). IEEE. DOI: 10.1109/ICCCN.2019.8847115 PDF
- Ekici, N. U., Schmidt, K. W., Yazar, A., & Schmidt, E. G. (2019, July). Resource allocation for minimized power consumption in hardware accelerated clouds. In 2019 28th International Conference on Computer Communication and Networks (ICCCN) (pp. 1-8). IEEE. DOI: 10.1109/ICCCN.2019.8847159 PDF
- Koltuk, F., Yazar, A., & Schmidt, E. G. (2019, April). Cloudgen: Workload generation for the evaluation of cloud computing systems. In 2019 27th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU) (pp. 1-4). IEEE. DOI: 10.1109/SIU.2019.8806358 PDF 🇹🇷
- Erol, A., Yazar, A., & Schmidt, E. G. (2019, April). A generalization of openstack for managing heterogeneous cloud resources. In 2019 27th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU) (pp. 1-4). IEEE. DOI: 10.1109/SIU.2019.8806551 PDF 🇹🇷
- Ekici, N. U., Schmidt, K. W., Yazar, A., & Schmidt, E. G. (2019, April). ACCLOUD-MAN - Power Efficient Resource Allocation for Heterogeneous Clouds. In 2019 27th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU) (pp. 1-4). IEEE. DOI: 10.1109/SIU.2019.8806247 PDF 🇹🇷
- Yazar, A. (2018). Bir Açık Kaynak Kodlu Gerçek Zamanlı İşletim Sistemi (FreeRTOS) ile Gömülü Yazılım Geliştirme Çalışmaları. In 2018 9th Savunma Teknolojileri Kongresi (SAVTEK) (pp. 1–8). Bildiri Sunum 🇹🇷
- Yazar, A., Erol, A., & Schmidt, E. G. (2018, May). ACCLOUD (Accelerated CLOUD): A novel FPGA-Accelerated cloud archictecture. In 2018 26th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU) (pp. 1-4). IEEE. DOI: 10.1109/SIU.2018.8404548 PDF 🇹🇷
- Yazar, A., & Candan, Ç. (2015, May). Analysis window length selection for linear signal models. In 2015 23nd Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU) (pp. 1301-1304). IEEE. DOI: 10.1109/SIU.2015.7130078 PDF 🇹🇷
- Yazar, A. (2015, March). Model Order Selection Using F-Test. In 2015 METU EEE Graduate Research Workshop (GRW). METU. Poster Abstract
Lecture Note
- Yazar, A. (2017) Compiled Lecture Notes of EE533 Information Theory. PDF
- Yazar, A. (2014) Compiled Lecture Notes of EE604 Sensor Array Signal Processing. PDF
- ACCLOUD A Novel, FPGA-Accelerated Cloud Architecture Project co-manager + design engineer. Completed Link
- asynx.dev A platform especially for embedded + FPGA engineers. Dead
- SSTBIOSProg Simple programmer for SST brand BIOS EEPROMs. Completed TODO: Add link
- Sureli2Calibre Python script to add periodicals into an existing Calibre library. Completed Link
- aPCmeter It is used to monitor CPU and RAM usage of a computer via vintage looking illuminated gauges. aPCmeter uses Arduino Nano v3 as controller. Completed Link Link 2
- Devre, Devreler devre.org and devreler.org projects Historic TODO: Add link 🇹🇷
- isoUSBRS422 isoUSBRS422 is an isolated USB - RS422/RS485 converter. It is designed using KiCad. Link Link2
- NASuX RaspberryPi based NAS device Historic TODO: Add link
- İBTÇ İlk Bilgisayarımı Tekrar Çalıştırma / Trying to fix and boot up my first PC from year 2000. Completed TODO: Add link
- FPGA232KU FPGA RS 232 Kod Üretici / Small EXE written in Python to generate simple UART transceiver in VHDL. Completed Link
- Soğuk Lehim soguklehim.com Historic TODO: Add link 🇹🇷
- Devreler Hakkında devrelerhakkinda.com Historic TODO: Add link 🇹🇷
- İzoyazılım izoyazilim.com Programming oriented version of my İzoelektronik project Historic TODO: Add link 🇹🇷
- Kapasitans e-magazine project on electronics Historic TODO: Add link 🇹🇷
- İzoelektronik izoelektronik.com Historic TODO: Add link 🇹🇷
- EE542 Computer Networks. Evaluation and minor improvements on ClassBench
- CENG513 Wireless Communication and Networks. A load balancing algorithm for multi-user multiple access point wireless networks
- EE604 Sensor Array Signal Processing. Implementation and evaluation of two source localization methods on MATLAB: Triangulation and RSS
- EE493, EE494 Engineering Design. Being a member of a team with four members, designed a voice controlled car capable of auto collision avoidance. Speech processing was done using MATLAB on a PC. Commands were transferred to car over RF channel. An RF communication protocol was developed top on FSK modulation.
- EE430 Digital Signal Processing. Designed and implemented FSK based communication system over acoustic air channel using MATLAB and standard microphone/speaker of a PC.
- EE314 Digital Electronics Laboratory. Designed clone of “Space Invaders” game on FPGA board with VGA output using Verilog as HDL an XilinX ISE tools.
- EE313 Analog Electronics Laboratory. Designed an op-amp using discrete transistors and passives.
- EE214 Electronic Circuits Laboratory. Designed a DC-DC boost converter using discrete components.
- EE213 Electrical Circuits Laboratory. Designed RGB color sensor using OPAMPs and discrete components.
Attended Trainings
- Power and Analog Applications. 2016. EMPA on behalf of Texas Instruments. 8 hours.
- Mentor Graphics Workshop Day. 2015. CDT. 8 hours.
- Mentor Graphics Workshop Day. 2014. CDT. 8 hours.
- Mentor Graphics DxDesigner Training Course. 2014. CDT on behalf of Mentor Graphics. 20 hours.†
- EMC Seminar. 2014. Würth Elektronik GmbH. 8 hours.†
- Power Seminar. 2014. Linear Technology. 8 hours.†
- A’dan Z’ye Docker (in Turkish). 2024. Udemy. 16.5 hours. Certificate
- C Programming Language (in Turkish). 2023. C and System Programmers Association, Necati Ergin. 220 hours.†
- Embedded Linux using Yocto. 2023. Udemy. 4.5 hours. Certificate
- The C Programming Language (in Turkish). 2022. C and System Programmers Association, Kaan Aslan. 120 hours.†
- FreeRTOS Real-Time Programming. 2018. Doulos. 24 hours.†
- Developing with Embedded Linux. 2017. Doulos. 32 hours.†
- The Programmable Logic Training Course Professional ZYNQ. 2016. PLC2. 40 hours.†
- Basics of VxWorks. 2016. ASELSAN. 40 hours.
- C6000 Embedded Design Workshop using BIOS. 2013. Texas Instruments. 40 hours.†
- Vivado Timing Constraints and Analysis. 2021. PLC2. 16 hours.†
- Vivado HLS. 2016. PLC2. 8 hours.
- The Programmable Logic Training Course Professional VHDL. 2016. PLC2. 40 hours.†
- Easy Start FPGA. PLC2. 8 hours.
† Certificate available
Honor & Award
- ASELSAN CTF (Capture The Flag) Contest, 2nd Place. 2022.
- TUBITAK 2228-National MSc and PhD Scholarship Programme for Senior Undergraduate Students. 2012 - 2015.
- Capstone Design Project Honorable Mention Award. 2011.
- Bulent Kerim Altay Award. 2011.‡
- Bulent Kerim Altay Award. 2011.‡
- Bulent Kerim Altay Award. 2010.‡
- Bulent Kerim Altay Award. 2010.‡
- Bulent Kerim Altay Award. 2008.‡
- Dean’s List. 2008 - 2011.
‡ About the award
- Embedded World. 2018. Nürnberg, Germany. Attendee
- IEEE. Past
- IEEE Robotics and Automation Society. Past
- IEEE Signal Processing Society. Past
Trying playing various musical instruments
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